


    Over the years, while working on this and related projects involving the Greek people in the Maritime Provinces, I have had enormous help doing interviews and background research.  Thanks here are owing to Professor Niki Hare, Maria Rouvalis, Christine Demetre, Anna McCurdy, Heather Egger and especially in the latter stages to Mary Wilcox and Stacey Karteroulis.  Peter Delefes and Niki Hare not only helped me collect material, but acted as critical readers and commentators on the manuscript.  Michelle Paon provided much needed editing and proofreading. Professor Carole Hartzman, who has written another book in this series, frequently kept me going with her enthusiasm, constant support, and practical help.  I am indebted to my editors, Richard Rogers, and particularly to Dr. Bridglal Pachai, for their sustained patience and kindness, while my manuscript remained unfinished.  I wish to thank Saint Mary’s University, and particularly the University’s Senate Research Fund for generous financial assistance.  My most heartfelt thanks go to the Greek Canadian people of the Maritime Provinces who let me, the non-Greek, into their homes and lives. Mistakes in the book are mine, but the stories of struggles, achievements, and successes recorded here are entirely theirs.